The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Help with Polygons->Re: Aw: Help with Polygons

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Re: Aw: Help with Polygons

Dear Ulli,

Thanks for your response. I had already figured that out.
> ... unfortunately this is broken; this means, while you can work with custom bases, the files that contain them may not be loadable again, and thus we disabled this feature in the standard configuration.

I have been able to use them, so they are either not disabled or we are talking about something different.

I see now a couple of issues that are important.

- I can create a base using points B&D in the three bar example, selecting this base would make all the elements drawn after displace and rotate with the coupler in the mechanism as expected

- An element´s base cannot be redefined. The element has to be deleted and re-created with the correct base selected. I´d be easier if elements coule be mapped to bases in the same way they can be mapped to transformations. This way i´d be easier to re-definedthem in case of mistakes.

- the behaviour of an element that hs been drawn by hand (with the correct base selected) cannot be replicated in cindyscript. e.g. I´d expect the point E to move with the coupler in the three link example using this code:

createpoint("E", 2,3);

In this case, the point is not "mapped" to the basis BD. Did I get it wrong?



on: Thu 12 of Nov, 2009 [09:53 UTC] reads: 7229

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