The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

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Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Why doesn't the prover find the two points on this circle?->Aw: Why doesn't the prover find the two points on this circle?

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Aw: Why doesn't the prover find the two points on this circle?

> In the attached construction I've built the configuration described at - given the free lines L0..L4 the result should be that the 5 points P0..P4 are concyclic. Having constructed P0..P4 (they're the points that are yellow) I use the define-circle-through-3-points tool to put a circle through P0, P1, and P4 - that's the yellow circle. Clearly P2 and P3 are on the circle (you can move the lines L0..L4 arbitrarily and see this). But looking at the circle's definition in the Information Window it doesn't show that it is incident with P2 and P3. Why not? I thought the prover was supposed to discover things like this.
> Thanks! — David

I don't know why P2,3 are not on the list of incidences. But when you try to construct a circle through P2,P3,P4, you will see a message in the console window telling that the new circle is identical with the other. So the theorem proover seems to be ok.

on: Mon 16 of Feb, 2009 [12:15 UTC] reads: 10555

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