The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Using the EXERCISE Tool->Re: Using the EXERCISE Tool:: Wish list...

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Re: Using the EXERCISE Tool:: Wish list...

Here are a couple of ideas from my experience using the exercise editor...

1) Allow the use of TEMPLATE HTML files for embedding Cinderella into extisting web sites. As I regenerate the HTML then have to edit it (I run some very buggy PERL on it to convert for school use).

i.e. Create (xml) markup tags allowing this to be embedded in HTML and parsed via cinderella to generate a webpage (HTML)

 <construction constructid="">
 <tools constructid="">
 <comments constructid="">

2) I would like the exercises to be stored externally, mainly because my use of language and relevant instructions tends to need 5 or 6 drafts, but this would also help with internationalisation (i8n) of exercises.

Cheers, Paul

on: Tue 24 of Oct, 2006 [18:36 UTC] reads: 10455

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