The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->unable to draw

3 stars
unable to draw

I've been trying to use the draw()-functions of Cindyscript. Nothing I try seems t o work, however. I ended up copying and pasting the example from the manual


into the 'Shell'-area of the script editor. Shift-entering results in an empty out1 message, but nothing is shown in the drawing area.

Typing in by hand the instruction


(as shown in the manuals, but without any modifiers) results in the message

in [3]= drawpoly([0,0],[1,0],[0,1])

WARNING:Unknown function: drawpoly
out[3]= ___

What am I doing wrong?

on: Sun 09 of Jul, 2006 [16:22 UTC] reads: 136917

Posted messages

author message
Aw: unable to draw
on: Sun 09 of Jul, 2006 [22:42 UTC]
...into the 'Shell'-area of the script editor.


please try to use these command in the "draw" section of the script. Otherwise, you will not be able to see their results (it's shown and immediately cleared).


author message
3 stars
Re: Aw: unable to draw
on: Mon 10 of Jul, 2006 [21:55 UTC]
...into the 'Shell'-area of the script editor.
> Dirk,
> please try to use these command in the "draw" section of the script. Otherwise, you will not be able to see their results (it's shown and immediately cleared).
> Ulli

That works just fine, thank you.

B.t.w., the error in the "drawpoly"-function is just a stupid syntax error I made. Drawpoly expects a LIST as its single argument, in stead of each vertex point as a separate argument.

author message
3 stars
Re: unable to draw
on: Sun 09 of Jul, 2006 [16:25 UTC]
I notice that the forum software (on my computer at least) filters out the square brackets from my input text. As far as I can see I have correctly entered all square brackets.

author message
Aw: Re: unable to draw
on: Sun 09 of Jul, 2006 [22:41 UTC]
> I notice that the forum software (on my computer at least) filters out the square brackets from my input text. As far as I can see I have correctly entered all square brackets.

Yes, it does filter them out — you have to write a double open bracket. Otherwise you create a link into our wiki.


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