The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Save/Close/Load cycle shrinks every window by 14 pixels in height

3 stars
Save/Close/Load cycle shrinks every window by 14 pixels in height

A very annoying thing happens when you save a construction, close all the associated windows and then later load it again. Every window that was open at the time the construction was saved opens again but with 14 pixels less in height. This includes all Euclidean, hyperbolic, spherical, and construction text windows. They all share one thing in common, a white status line with black text which initially says: "Move free elements by dragging the mouse". This white status line is exactly 14 pixels in height. Perhaps this is what is not being accounted for?

Also any additional Euclidean windows opened are all 14 pixels greater in height than the initial Euclidean window of a new construction. This suggests that the size of the initial Euclidean window is already 14 pixels smaller than it should be.

Also the spherical window's width is 1 pixel too small in width to fit all of the bottom buttons in one line causing the [Ell] button to overflow onto a second line making the window 30 pixels greater in height than the hyperbolic window.

Windows sizes observed:

Cycle Euclidean.1 Euclidean.2 Hyperbolic Spherical Construction
New 696x581 696x595 416x765 416x795 416x518
1st 696x567 696x581 416x751 416x781 416x504
2nd 696x553 696x567 416x737 416x767 416x490

Observed using Version: 2.9 build 1783 (2015/08/03 18:17) running on Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit SP1 with Aero Style theme.

The windows sizes were measured using [Alt-PrintScrn] pasted into mspaint.

Best regards,
Alexander Elkins

on: Fri 16 of Oct, 2015 [19:27 UTC] reads: 81211

Posted messages

author message
Aw: Save/Close/Load cycle shrinks every window by 14 pixels in height
on: Sat 17 of Oct, 2015 [07:04 UTC]

yes, sorry - we are paying attention… and all your detailed bug reports will be handled!


author message
3 stars
Re: Save/Close/Load cycle shrinks every window by 14 pixels in height
on: Fri 16 of Oct, 2015 [19:36 UTC]
Originally posted Tue 15 of Sep, 2015
Reposted Fri 16 of Oct, 2015 after the posting mysteriously vanished.
Knock-knock, hello, are you paying attention?

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