The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->?Issue with setting points

3 stars
?Issue with setting points

Premise: 2 overlapping circles.

During the creation of multiple points to create a polygon of the overlap... the points fail to stay on the ARC portion of the circles... especially when close to another line. Changing the zoom does not seem to improve the situation enough.
Frequently, placing a point on the arc creates a highlighting of the circle.. yet the point falls far off the arc when I let the mouse button release.

Several times the program has locked up after attempting to repeat this effort.
I am using 2 circles of 3" radius overlapping about 1", but this varies.

on: Thu 09 of Mar, 2006 [14:55 UTC] reads: 110596

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Aw: ?Issue with setting points
on: Thu 09 of Mar, 2006 [15:20 UTC]

could you please send detailed steps to reproduce this to ? This is the preferred way to report bugs. Are you using Cinderella.2 or version 1.4?


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